Safeguarding in our Churches

At St Andrew's, Hampton, St Mary the Virgin, Sedgeberrow and St Peter's, Hinton we are committed to the safety and well-being of everyone in our church community, children young people and vulnerable adults. If you, or someone you know, feels unsafe, you should raise your concerns. Your concerns will be taken seriously and the any necessary action will be taken. 

Margaret Thomson is the Safeguarding Officer and Churchwarden at St Andrew's. Margaret can be contacted on 01386 47541. 

Steve Butcher is the Safeguarding Officer for St Mary the Virgin at Sedgeberrow. Steve can be contacted on 07764 941235. 

Steve Butcher is Safeguarding Officer for St Peter’s Church, Hinton on the Green. He can be contacted on 07764 941235.

Caryl Mills is the Safeguarding Administrator. She can be contacted at the Benefice office 01386 446381. 

The Revd Mark Binney is the Vicar; his number is 01386 424235. 

Across the Church of England the importance is recognised and Promoting a Safer Church is the Church of England’s Safeguarding Policy for children, young people and adults.

Download Promoting a Safer Church here.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Hilary Higton. Her mobile number is 07495 060869 and her email address is:

The number for Childline is: 0800 1111

The local police can be contacted on: 101