ST ANDREW’S TOTS is our group to welcome pre-school children with their carers be it mothers, fathers, grandparents or childminders.
This service is offered by St Andrew’s Church and no charge is made.
While the children play with the floor toys or sit at the activity table their carers can relax a little to chat. After a time to socialise, about 10am, we clear the table to serve refreshments. Then there is an opportunity to all sit on the mats for storytime and finish with a sing-song.
We meet in Hampton Scout & Guide Community Hall next to our church every Tuesday morning in term time. Doors open at 9am and we start to pack away at 10:30am.
We always need help with the toys and refreshments as well as story-times and singing so please volunteer if you would like to come on a rota.
Please come along and join us.
For further details contact: Margaret Thomson on 01386 47541.