Holiday Time

It’s a funny thing; you would think with the holidays approaching that there would be a gradual wind down of things to do. Unfortunately this is not the case, as I have been busy of late, and so I send my humble apologies to readers avidly awaiting my next blog.
We have an annual festival of events in July which would not have been possible without putting a huge marquee on the lawn. This is not a job for one or two people, and rather highlights the fact that being a vicar is not about carrying out everything by yourself. Thankfully we had a little help from my friends!
Once this marquee was up we went ahead with the Mothers’ Union strawberry tea party, followed the next day by a tea party for Hampton Friendship Club. After that came the fête, and finally a party and barbecue for the Youth Club and their families. I think next year we should add a parish party to complete the set. Incidentally, next year I will be celebrating 25 years of my ordination as Priest, so a combined celebration may be in order.
Having been busy I am really looking forward to taking a break, and spending time with family and friends, away from the phone and parish duties. Of course this means that I shall be rested and ready for autumn, and the run up to Christmas.
Mark Binney