We have taken the decision to close St. Andrew’s Hampton for Worship until further notice. The rising number of infections in the area cannot be ignored in relation to the risk it presents to anyone attending. The growth in the last fortnight was 113.25%. We would rather the congregation stayed safe and participated in the Zoom Worship available on the Church of England website and by using the Worship materials available from the Parish Office. We will keep the Office open on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Please phone 446381 and we will post the Worship materials to you as needed. If there is anything else you need help with then please let us know.
The Church will remain open for Funeral and Wedding Services only. These are subject to limitations, 30 for Funerals and 6 for Weddings. The Church is not open for prayer during the week. For your information Bengeworth, Sedgeberrow and Hinton, are also closed for Worship.
At the moment the daily COVID U.K.death rate has reached 1,500 with the total number being well over 80,000. This is very sad and should focus our minds on doing all we can to keep the vulnerable safe from this awful virus. Our hope is in the vaccination programme that it will provide a way out of lockdown to allow a return to normal life. We know this is going to take time. For the moment be supported by your faith in the God who brings light into the darkness.
Mark Binney.