‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
John 1.5
2020 has been a very tough year for everybody. COVID-19 has affected us in many ways. Things that we took for granted have become more difficult. Life and health is suddenly fragile. It feels as if we are living in a time of darkness.
Can we find any hope in Christmas this year?
The answer is to remind ourselves of the deeper meaning of Christmas beneath all the trimmings and take strength from the message it brings. ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’ (John 1.5). Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. Nothing can separate us from him. Neither death nor life, nor anything else in all creation, from the love of God in Jesus. God does care about us which is why he sent his son into the world.
On the front of our Church Christmas cards this year is a picture of the Advent Wreath at Hampton Church. Advent means coming. There are five candles. One is lit on the first Sunday in Advent, two on the second, until on the fourth Sunday four are lit. The white candle in the centre is lit on Christmas Day. It celebrates the coming of Jesus into the World at his birth (the Incarnation).
So how should we celebrate this year? It should be with joy and hope. Let us bring light into our homes this Christmas and know that COVID will not overcome us.
Mark Binney